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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Bachelor

My normal routine on a weekday after work is as follows:

1. Cuddle for a fleeting minute with my roommate's dog; we have a special bond.
2. Prep dinner (yeah, I prep dinner nowadays. It makes life so much easier when I'm starving).
3. Work out (some days begrudgingly.  Lately I've been doing pretty well.  The other day I ran my  fastest 5k...I've been meaning to brag about that).
4. Shower.
5. Make dinner.
6. Enjoy and eat dinner.
7. Do whatever the fuck I want!

Pretty exciting RIGHT?!

On most days I already have some stuff lined up for step #7.  Like I'll read or go meet up with a friend or...try writing a post for this blog.  Just a bunch of random stuff.  Well, yesterday I had nothing planned.  I signed up for a couple of races and then sat on the couch and channel surfed for what felt like an eternity.  One of my roommates came home and said in a hurried voice, "Quick! Channel 7! The Bachelor's about to start!"

Yeah.  You guessed it.  I watched The Bachelor.  I watched the whole damn episode from beginning to end.  The concept is sad.  The women on the show are pathetic.  The Bachelor himself idiot.  But it is really good reality TV.  Putting people's hearts on the line.  Having people openly admit to the world that they are so desperate for love and happiness and marriage that they are willing to give up a couple months of their lives to go compete on a reality TV show full of dumbass challenges, cocktail parties, and cat fighting all for a guy who for some unknown reason (even though he has all these extraordinary qualities that show never fails to highlight) is single and "ready to settle down."  This season's Bachelor is a guy named Sean.  He's blonde, muscular (they even have shots of him working out at the beginning of some of the episodes.  I guess to remind the viewer what's at stake for the competing ladies), charming or whatever, "funny", and outgoing.  Ok, so he's like the "perfect guy" in the formulaic sense.

And all the ladies? Well they are all bat shit crazy.  Some of them seem super normal at first but then they go into those solo interview/confessionals where they kind of narrate what's happening and some of those girls are absolutely nuts.  Of course the group of ladies is extremely diverse; Sean doesn't discriminate after all.  There's an asian girl, a black girl, a persian girl, a girl with one arm (for real), and there are white blonde/brunette girls.  And every time Sean does the voice over during date segments with any of these girls he says the same generic things over and over again: "I really connected with her on a deep level" or "I can really see this woman as my wife" or (and this is my favorite) "She just seems like such a fun, nice girl!"  Haha, ok. Right.

As I was watching the show, I couldn't really understand why some of those ladies were on there.  I'm pretty sure they get some kind of compensation ($$$).  Some of those girls should not be putting themselves through that much humiliation to get to know A GUY WHO WOULD AGREE TO DO A REALITY SHOW IN ORDER TO FIND A WIFE.  Yes, I realize that I got all shouty-caps-lock on you.  It is just utterly ridiculous to me the kinds of measures people will go through to find "love" or what they think is love.  The whole show is like a drawn out, philosophical (ok not really; this show is not intellectual in any way) debate...what is love? Everyone has their own opinion.  Some of the girls seem to think it's totally physical attraction since there is a lot of oo-ing and ah-ing over how hot Sean is.  And then some of them seem to think it's about how funny or smart someone is.  The truth is...I don't think anyone really knows what love is.  I don't know what love is.  I just hope that I don't have to force  myself to enter a reality show or dating competition in order to find out!  If you guys ever  ever see me on The Bachelor, please yank me off of that show and do an intervention!  Stat!

Nevertheless, I watched the show through to the end and even caught a glimpse of next week's episode...I'll probably watch again mostly because its entertaining. For example, it's hilarious watching the women fight for Sean's attention on "group dates" and how upset they get when they suddenly realize that it's a competition.  One girl even said, "You know what? This isn't even a competition.  It's about..." STOP. RIGHT THERE. Of course it's a competition! What do you mean it's not a competition? Seriously?

Sigh.  I don't know.  A lot of head shaking happened last night as I watched this show.  Anyway, I stooped to that level and watched The Bachelor.  For shame!

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