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Friday, February 1, 2013

Twisty Bobcat kind of Pretzel

Early on in a relationship, before labels have been assigned and you are “official” or “exclusive” (is there a difference?), women tend to focus a lot on being “a twisty bobcat kind of pretzel” (Thank you Sandra Bullock in “Two Weeks Notice” for that delightful phrasing. I’m not addressing what she was referring to, but I like the phrasing). By that I mean you contort yourself into what you think the other person wants. They’re laid back, so you tone down on your type A personality. They’re super organized, so you spend hours cleaning your space to impress them. You’re not an emoticon kind of person, yet you slowly start incorporating more of that into your texts. You get the idea. Your focus has shifted from what you want/need, to their wants/needs. Granted you can’t be self-centered in a relationship, but I’m talking about when you lose sight of the fact that you are the other half in that relationship.
This mentality effectively relinquishes your control. I’m not saying that any relationship should be a power struggle for control (quite the contrary); however, you do not want to give yourself away and give the power of deciding where the relationship is going to the other person. It’s a similar point that I made in my post “What’s the Dealio?” when addressing having the “talk.” You initiating that conversation is you taking charge of your future, not leaving it in the hands of someone else. In a similar vein, in this situation you maintaining a clear understanding of what you want/need and ensuring that you get that is you effectively taking care of yourself.
My suggestion (and one I continually remind myself of): be aware of your actions. Once in high school I was hanging out with my friend, the guy she was seeing and his really cute friend who I was interested in. We were playing Foosball and I was acting incredibly into it/competitive. Generally speaking, at that time in my life I wasn't uber competitive or into Foosball. I was trying to impress this boy, and so exaggerated my interest. While at some level I knew what I was doing, I didn't realize the implications - it seemed harmless enough. My friend, however, did. She called me on it immediately on the drive back home. 
This is a very basic example; however, it starts from there. You do little white lies to make sure they remain interested and eventually progress to bigger things. Therefore, if you can recognize when you are changing your mannerisms, there is a better chance that you will stop yourself before getting too carried away. Self awareness everyone!! That is the key!

Now completely unrelated, but amusing nonetheless, I have decided to include some random articles about romance, women, men, etc. 

Dating multiple men: 

Women in movies:

Men and lies:

What his Valentine's Day gift means (personally, I think this is overanalyzing, but I included it anyway!):

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