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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Oh, come on!

Have you ever realized that just when you come to the conclusion – not simply logically, but you sincerely, truly, positively believe it and feel it in your bones – that you don’t want or need a relationship, or a man in your life, that that is when it happens. It sounds so cliché, and I cannot tell you how many times I have been told, “when you’re not looking for it, that’s when it will happen,” and I hate to admit it, but it’s true. You achieve that inner peace and contentment and BOOM! It starts hitting you left and right. This is great, but still, come on!
In my opinion, it’s comparable to when you finally manage to move past “Wyatt” and have him firmly thrust from your thoughts, and then THAT is when he texts you, or Facebooks you or calls you, effectively slamming him full force back into your consciousness. This again leaves me thinking one thing: Oh, come on! There must be some radar men have that lets them know when we are pulling away, giving them the chance they need to pick up their phones (which they seem so loathe to do at any other time) and contact you.
Seriously, it is frustrating. I think what gets me is that it appears to be on their time (it’s not really because ultimately you are in control of whether or not you let them back into your life, but it certainly feels that way), and I don’t relish the feeling of lacking control. That being said, if the opportunity presents itself, and you remain interested in the individual, or simply the opportunity in general, there is no harm in taking it…and I will tell you why. Remember, you have reached the point where you know that your happiness is not contingent upon a man and that you will live with that mindset from here on out. Therefore this guy is a chocolate chip cookie, one of many on a plate full of such delicacies, and the time has come to enjoy yourself because he doesn’t pose a threat to your happiness. You may want things to work out between you and this gentlemen friend, but you don’t need it to. That realization brings with it a whole lot of confidence and the ability to have fun. So go ahead! Reach for the whole plate.
Any stories of your own that you would like to share?

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