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Friday, December 21, 2012

"Girls Just Wanna Have Fuuhuuunnnn"

On the way to work the other morning, I was listening to an oldies radio station and they started playing "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by the lovely Cindy Lauper.  And of course I found myself singing along with the catchy tune--dork-ily bopping my head to and fro and belting out the lyrics.  Not my proudest moment, but I can't be held responsible for my actions at 7AM (pre-coffee).

As the song ended, I thought about the message within the song.  Seriously, read the cheesy lyrics.  They have meaning:

        "Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world.  I want to be the one to walk in the sun.  Oh girls they want to have fun...Oh girls they just want to have fun!"

I realize that I am about to analyze the shit out of a line from a cheesy ass song from the 80s but whatever.  Haters gon' hate!  I know that guys don't literally hide girls away (well unless...they're creepy serial killer types. Ehh...I need to tone down on the SVU marathons...), but they do kind of steal their mojo! That will to just kind of go out and go crazy and have a fun time seems to die down.  A lot of girls that I know who are in relationships turn into homebodies, and it's so disappointing.  Sometimes I want to be able to just go out with my girl friends and just have a crazy fun time!  These days, if a group of single ladies go out, the intention is always to get the attention of some guy.  Although this is fun (don't get me wrong. I suck at it, but I take a stab at it occasionally), it bugs me when groups of girls go out with an agenda of gettin' their flirt on.  Why can't the agenda be to just get shit faced and have a crazy ass time without any opposite gender distractions?

There was one amazing night in college that I will never ever forget because I just had so much fun hanging with my girlfriends.  There was a college night at a place downtown called Hollywood Disco. My girlfriends and I started the night out in the most casual attire (jeans and t-shirts) being goofy and dancing on the coffee table in a friend's apartment.  Then we decided to take dirty girl scout shots (seriously by far the yummiest shots ever: put chocolate syrup in your mouth first, pour in a shot...or two of peppermint schnapps, and shake shake shake!  It tastes like a thin mint. So good.)  We all got super tipsy and giddy.  Hollywood Disco rented out limos to escort people to and from campus, so we hopped into one of the limos and danced our way downtown.  Once we got there, we danced our little hearts out! There was a sketchy pole in the middle of the dance floor and we crowded around it and danced some more.  Sure there were a lot of hot/sleazy guys hanging around too but we didn't give a shit!  It was GIRLS NIGHT OUT.  We did what girls should do when they go out together.  We got drizzunk (yeah, that's right), dizzanced (mhmm, still doin' it), and at the end of the night we all wizzent back to campus arm in arm declaring it a tradizzition (hmm...that sounds weird, but I don't care).

I think Cindy Lauper was totally right.  Girls just want to have fun.  So I hope all you ladies reading this go out and have a crazy ass time while you're young and have the energy for it!

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