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Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Dreaded Question

There have been a few people from high school in town lingering after Thanksgiving break, so last night a few of us went out for dinner and to catch up.  Conversation was going well.  We mostly gossiped about people in high school and what kind of shenanigans they're up to now.  Now, the people that I was at dinner with were not people that I was friends with in high school.  As a matter of fact, I never socialized with these people.  To be quite honest, I felt super awkward and was more interested in my beer and enchiladas.  Yup.  Oh, and the Grizzlies game that was playing on the TV that was conveniently located right in my line of vision.  I would occasionally tune into the conversation contribute and then tune back out.  This strategy was working out great until one of the girls looked at me (after having interrogated every one else) and asked me the one question that I hate and dread regardless of who it comes from (it could come from someone I absolutely adore and it would still bug the shit out of me).  She looked at me, smiled sincerely and said, "So, Priyanka! How about you?! Are you seeing anyone?!" Everyone turned their heads and stared at me awaiting my answer.  I simply frowned and said, "Nope!" I promptly took a huge swig from my beer and shoved my face with food.  I mean I understand that people ask that question sincerely (like this girl did) wanting to know about your life and how you're doing, but it just rubs me the wrong way every time.  I always want to think of something more creative to say in response, but it never quite works out.  Most times I have to hold my tongue and prevent myself from getting defensive.  I have in the past gotten defensive when asked that question and have blurted out things like, "What the fuck kinda question is that!" or "Fuck off!" I'm not an angry person haha I just feel awkward with that question!  You know why? Because I can never/have never been able to say, "YES I AM SEEING SOMEONE!"  Never.

Anyway back to dinner.  After guzzling down beer and chomping on some more enchiladas, my roommate looked over at me and said, "Oh, you have a crush on that guy!" and then progressed to tell the whole table about a guy that I have always kind of had a thing for but know that it'll never go anywhere beyond friendship.  It sucks but it is a sucky truth that I'm working on coming to terms with...makes it difficult when you're hanging out frequently but aren't supposed to feel attached.  I don't know. It's weird.  That's a whole other psychological issue that I'll have to discuss with y'all later.  My roommate went on to describe this guy and that I have a crush on him.  I got some feedback regarding this guy as everyone had met him during our post-Thanksgiving housewarming party.  No one particularly liked him.  One girl made an interesting comment.  The guy wore a vest to the party.  She said, "I don't know about you guys, but a rule that I have is that if a guy puts that much effort into thinking about wearing a vest then he certainly has NO time to think about me."  This gem of wisdom really struck a cord with me.  Now, this post is veering off into another topic, but I just need to touch it (that's what she said!!)!  When a guy wears something like a vest or a fedora...what does that say about the guy?  He thought about an accessory.  That does make me think that he is probably self absorbed? Maybe he's too concerned with the way he presents himself to other people rather than me.  I don't know.  I think this is bordering into over analyzing which I try very hard not to do (ironic because I think that's all I do with my blog posts haha).

I'm confused y'all! Confused about guys and why they wear fedoras and vests! Also, I hate having to tell people repeatedly that I'm not seeing someone.  Why don't you guys come up with some funny retorts that I can brandish at people when they ask me if I'm seeing someone? Seriously! Gimme your best one liners!

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