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Monday, November 26, 2012

Deep Thoughts - Facebook Status

We all know that a relationship is not official unless it is made public on Facebook, and over the Holiday weekend a lot of people made it public. I get the excitement behind finding someone you want to be with and someone who wants to be with you, and naturally the next step is to share your happiness; however, it can have a depressing effect on its single viewers.
Typically, I have one of two reactions. The first (and this is on my better days) is to react with, “God no, I don’t want that commitment right now!” (Although, at some level I’m probably secretly jealous, at the time I utter such sentiments, I genuinely am confident, and firm, in the words I am saying.) The second is when I actually pause for a few minutes and reevaluate where I am in my life; where I am going (what happened in this instance). 
Lately, I have been concentrating 98% of my efforts in finding a new job. I’ve been networking, going on informational interviews, meeting with recruiters, etc. Starting my career is incredibly important to me. I know where I want to be going with my life, and I am eager to get there.
That being said, a guy does factor into that equation. Therefore, it would be nice to have my own “in a relationship” Facebook status. However, as dating does not really qualify as one of my top five fun activities, I tend to push it to the backburner. Making a concerted effort to change means pushing myself when I don’t necessarily want to.  Yes, dear readers, this might have something to do with why I am still single. To be fair, I have been stepping up my game; although, I will be the first to admit that I can step it up a bit more.
Such deep thoughts, and all because of Facebook’s relationship status updates.  
When I’m in a relationship I can’t decide if I’ll broadcast that fact in ALL CAPS ON FACEBOOK, or refuse to ever acknowledge the fact so publicly. We shall have to wait and see…

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