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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Opposites Attract!

Occasionally when I'm out people-watching (ok, fine.  All the time), I notice a few couples who make me think to myself, "How the hell did that work out?!"  They're just so dissimilar.  So opposite.  They look like they wouldn't work in a million years!  There are lots of couples like that out there in the world.  Even celebrity couples.  For example, when Evan Rachel Wood started going steady with Marilyn Manson (YIKES) people were up in arms and so confused.  I mean Evan Rachel Wood is so beautiful and a great actress.  Marilyn Manson is just...well, he's fucking scary!  Opposites attract.  And then there's Christina Hendricks and her guy (I don't even know what his name is, that's how much it doesn't make sense to me).

I went to dinner with my mom tonight and the couple sitting at the table next to us was SO different.  The girl was very conservatively dressed in a cute quarter length sleeve dress and tights--she even had a Blair Waldorf-esque headband on her hair.  The guy was a complete hippy.  He was wearing ripped up jeans, sandals, beat up flannel shirt.  I kid you not, I think I stared at them several times during dinner trying to come up with a scenario in which the two of them would meet up.  Maybe at a college party where the girl stumbled across him hanging out in a drum circle with his buddies lighting up a bong perhaps?  Or maybe he stumbled across her at a sorority sponsored on-campus function with free refreshments?  Maybe they had a class together?  The possibilities are endless and oddly college-y.  I was getting a vibe that they were still in college.  They were different but totally adorable together.  Just so comfortable with each other and so happy! It was kind of refreshing to see.

Whenever I see couples that seem like complete opposites, it makes me question myself and whether I am limiting myself in the romance department.  Maybe I am not opening myself up for more opportunities by having such a formulaic dream guy in my head.  I always picture/fantasize myself ending up with that one specific type of guy (I won't go into any details regarding what kind of guy I would love to end up in a relationship with because y'all would laugh at me.  It's horribly specific that I'm writing this post...seemingly unrealistic).  I never imagine myself in a different scenario.  Well, even if I do venture off the beaten path I tend to get scared and revert to what I already know.  It totally sucks.  I'm sure I'm limiting my possibilities.  I should probably be more open to accepting advances from other types of's a scary proposition but maybe my Marilyn Manson is waiting for me!  Hahahaha jk.  I really don't want to date someone like Marilyn Manson...I mean c'mon.  Those of you who know me cannot imagine me with someone like that.  Anyway, I guess I should try to be open to other options at this point in my life.  What do you guys think?  Stick to what you know/what you innately like? Or veer off and try something new? It's daunting but possibly very exciting!

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