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Friday, November 23, 2012

My Food Fantasy

It’s the day after Thanksgiving, and I think it’s safe to say that I am over stuffed with pounds and pounds of homemade comfort food.  So much so that (for now) the sight or mention of mac n’ cheese or risotto is gonna make me have a gag reflex.  Yesterday was great.  My mom and I watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade together and had a colossal breakfast consisting of biscuits, scrambled eggs, bacon, and coffee.  No fruits.  Healthy food was not allowed yesterday.  After about two hours of laying on the couch marinating in all the breakfast I devoured, I decided to get started on the pumpkin spice chocolate chip cookies I promised to bring to Thanksgiving potluck dinner at my brother’s place.  I set to gathering all of the necessary ingredients (confession #1: I ate about two handfuls of chocolate chips in the process of prepping...oopsy) and proceeded to bake and listen to music and occasionally do some lunges or squats because I started feeling a tad bit guilty (the guilty feeling lasted for all of maybe two minutes).  The holidays to me (specifically the day OF) are heavily centered on eating as much as I can stuff in my face.  I mean I spend the whole fucking year portion controlling, exercising, unsuccessfully juicing; I deserve a few days to just let myself go and not care!  In fact from the moment I woke up yesterday to the time that I fell asleep, I was in a baggy sweater and long work out tights.  

Back to baking.  You guys, I wish I could live in the smell that was wafting through the air in the kitchen.  I was basically getting high off of the aroma being dispelled from the oven: a combination of pumpkin, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger.  In the middle of my blissful food fest, I got a text message from one of my guy friends (yes, one that I kind of have a crush on) asking me if I wanted to go catch a movie before we had our respective t-giving gatherings.  At first, my heart skipped a beat and I became super excited at the prospect of hanging out with him.  This feeling quickly dissipated as I was snapped back to reality by the oven timer indicating to me that the first batch of cookies were done!  The freshly baked cookies were calling my name! I took them out of the oven and bit into one know...make sure they turned out alright!  (confession #2: I ended up taste testing about five and a half cookies)  One bite of that cookie and the thought of leaving the task at hand put a slight damper on my mood.  Another thought occurred to me as well--I would have to change out of my “eating” clothes and put on something cute.  I know that I’m single and 24 and should probably jump at every opportunity to hang out with a guy, but I think yesterday was a VERY GOOD day to take a break from all that!  I texted him back and said, “Sorry! I’m super busy today!  Let’s see that movie some other time!”  

Yeah.  I rejected an offer to hang out with a guy I like to bake and devour cookies.  Sometimes you need to reward yourself.  As the lovely Tom Haverford would say, “TREAT YOURSELF!”  To all those women out there who are either in a relationship or not in one, I hope you indulged in all your gluttonous fantasies yesterday and ate until your hearts content.  I sure did.  Now that it is the day after Thanksgiving, I am looking forward to taking a break from gorging on least until Christmas.  Maybe I’ll text that guy back and see if he wants to go see that movie tonight?

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