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Monday, September 24, 2012

Reel it in!

I think we’ve all been in a situation where we think a certain someone likes us, but we’re not 100% sure that they like us.  YET we still become incredibly excited at the prospect of this special someone sweeping us off our feet.  This has happened to me a few times, and...well...I have crashed and burned every time.  I get too excited and then start becoming too invested in the friendship...probably coming off as creepy.  Haha, I can’t help it! 

As someone who has never been in a committed relationship, I have no idea what the procedure is for this kind of stuff!  How long do you wait before you make a move?  Or is it the guy who is supposed to make the move?  How do you know making the move will result in a happy ending?!  It’s all very confusing.  It’s all based on timing and precision, but most of the time it seems only based on dumb fucking luck.  It works out or it doesn’t work out.  There’s no way to change fate.  There are times when I think that I can simply will something to happen by thinking things like, “Oh DUDE he totally likes me. Yeah. Why wouldn’t he like me?! Yeah, he likes me.” BAM! My hopes are very high.  I am excited.  I am hopeful.  And then the rude awakening comes to haunt me.  He’s not into me, and all my hopes are dashed.  What I was willing to happen just wasn’t going to happen.  As a result of this, I usually slip back into a mentally of “Whatever happens will happen.  I don’t care! I’m so fucking nonchalant!” BAM.  My hopes are non-existent.  I miss all signs, and I miss an opportunity to take a relationship with someone to the next level because my nonchalant ultra coolness has completely bored the crap out of my prospective love interest.  I never know what to do! I wish there was a set of rules laid out on stone tablets...on top of a mountain...yeah, I totally went there. 

It seems as though confusion concerning courtship is quite prevalent among humans mostly because there are so many different, delusional versions of “THE RULES” set out by EVERY ONE: our friends, our families, our favorite movies, our Cosmos, etc.    Everyone has an opinion on how to go about taking a relationship with someone to the next level.  For example, when a girl friend of mine comes to me and is all giddy and excited about a guy she’s interested in I usually (because of my horrible past experiences) offer very cautious advice and end up coming off as negative.  My little catch phrase that I use a lot is “REEL IT IN!”  “Reel it in” means to slow yo‘ roll, take a breather, slow it down now, step out of the vehicle with your hands up, etc.!  I tend to make my friends take a step back and evaluate the situation by thinking about what events have transpired with this special someone that have led them to believe that he is the one.  I also tend to compile a list of reasons to go for it and reasons to not go for it.  It’s scary, I know.  What can I say? I love a good list making session!  I guess I’m just super protective of my friends...or just really bad at giving advice concerning relationships/guys.  

Everyone imagines the scenario differently and gives advice based on differing opinions.  I want to know how you deal with friends who come to you for advice concerning a guy they’ve met for the first time.  What are your set of rules?  Maybe we’ll all learn something new!

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