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Friday, September 7, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookies!

If you are anything like me, once you reach a certain…I will not say state of desperation, but perhaps a sense of hopelessness as pertains to dating, you start to grasp at straws, effectively leading you to conclude that there must be a dearth of eligible men in your hometown, otherwise you’d be seeing a guy by now! If only you relocated or lived in/near a college town (younger, immature male demographic, but young men regardless), or worked with young, passably attractive men, then you’d have options! Or as my roommate would phrase it, “It’s like you have a plate of chocolate chip cookies and you get to choose which ones you want.” If only there were more cookies nearby…
In search of said cookies (as well as a job), I began to seriously consider packing up my bags and hightailing it cross-country. One thought was fueling the majority of my excitement: the prospect of dating in a big city. Chocolate chip cookies! Chocolate chip cookies everywhere! Out of the suburbs, into city life, being awesome, dating hotties. I can partake in obnoxious PDA and show guys off to my parents…”See mom and dad!!! I can get a boyfriend!!!!”
However, I had to stop and try to be realistic. Would a new location really mean more dating? Or is it a deeper issue than this? As in the first step is to take a look at yourself and try to deduce how you are with men, what kind of vibe you’re giving off, etc. So perhaps the location doesn’t matter (although I acknowledge the fact that there are some areas proven to have a higher population of young singles) because your issues with men will follow you anywhere.
My mother certainly seemed to think it improved my prospects. When I told her about what I thought was my “impending move,” the first thing she said to me after she collected herself (she got emotional, which I found rather sweet) was, “Well, maybe you’ll find your honey man out there.”
Yes, ‘honey man.’ Oh mother, I do love you…and apparently my move solves all my problems! 
Well unfortunately for my mother, I will not be meeting my “honey man” out there any time soon because I have opted to stay put for the time being. I’ve had to admit that perhaps the issue lies with me. After evaluating certain behaviors that I could change, I’m just not convinced that a move will solve any of my dating issues. A big move doesn’t necessitate big personality changes. So I guess that leaves me having to figure things out as I go, and isn’t that really all you can do?

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