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Monday, August 6, 2012

Qualifications for an "Acceptable Mate"

There is a common misconception that women are picky. 
Men think that because we’ve been planning that most glorious of days – yes, our wedding day – since we were small children, that we have unrealistic ideals. Or that because we see numerous chick flicks where romance always wins, and the guy, although flawed, is deep down utterly charming and worthy of our affections, that we expect men to emulate these characters in real life.
I’d like to point out that while characters, they are still people, so the possibility exists that they are out there somewhere...or so hints Harlequin romance novels and the aforementioned chick flicks. (I hesitate to mention that I am a proud owner [am I?] of multiple Harlequin romance novels).
However, to show that we do not hold such unrealistic ideals, I shall list some qualifications for an acceptable mate:

  1. Intelligence: Really, this should be a no brainer. If you can’t properly form a sentence or carry on a basic conversation, then God be with you. An obvious statement, perhaps, and yet I have run across a gentlemen who apparently didn't read the memo.
  2. Courtesy: Gentlemanly behavior should not be dead. Opening doors, offering to pay for dinner, remembering birthdays and other special occasions is really not that taxing.
  3. Communication: I don’t know what other ways there are to stress the importance of this one. TALK TO US! COMMUNICATE! It’s a basic function in life. In fact, it’s one of the very first things you learn to do. Therefore, it should not be too hard for you to open your mouth, or your phone, and give a quick shout out. Tell us about your day, inquire about ours…see, talking. You’ll find that we reciprocate.
  4. Drive: This is an incredibly attractive quality. Know what you’re doing in life, even if you’re not there yet, or be trying to figure it out. This gives us an important glimpse into your character and shows us that there is the possibility of more.
  5. Confidence: I’m not talking about strutting around like a cocky ass and assuming that you are God’s gift to women (unless you’re Charlie Hunnam, or some other stunningly masculine man, that’s not a possibility), but to be self-assured; confident in who you are and what you want. 
Okay, obviously the opening to this segment was a joke, but the qualifications are not unrealistic and are in fact something that you would most likely look for in a friend, so it is not a stretch to desire them in a romantic partner.

Any by all means, continue to read and watch away! I most certainly plan on doing so.

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