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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Time to Solve a Mystery

Age old question: can guys and girls be JUST friends? I have had a lot of issues with this one. And by that I mean I've accidentally drunkenly hooked up with a few guy friends which subsequently led to the termination of our friendships. The problem is that society doesn't even let you be JUST friends with a guy without automatically assuming y'all are together. 

For example, I went to dinner a while back with my BROTHER and at the end of our meal the waitress said "oh would you and your girlfriend like to share a dessert?" Well my brother and I were going to share a dessert but after that pervy comment I thought the sushi I had just devoured was gonna come out to play. And my brother looked mortified. Ugh. 

ANOTHER time my guy friend and I went to dinner with a bunch of his friends. When we were all sitting down at our table, one of his friends said, "Here! Take this seat so you can sit next to your lady" really? Really? Thanks for making the rest our night an awkward series of "oh is my doing this making it look like we're dating?" actions.  

I don’t know if guys and girls can just be friends without there being SOMETHING there.  I think that feelings develop over time.  You can’t really control it.  It just happens.  You wake up one morning and start thinking about your guy friend in a completely different way.  You start fantasizing about what it would be like to hold his hand or ease into an embrace just because you wanted to feel his arms around you.  I’ve had this issue aplenty which is why I have such a hard time keeping a few of my very good guy friends.  Not because I hook up with all of them (that would be TERRIBLE) but because I simply don’t have the cojones to tell them how I feel and end up distancing myself in order to make the lovey-dovey feelings go away.  It’s not the best approach because you end up losing a friend, but it’s the only way I feel I can protect my heart.  Like I said, I don’t know whether guys and girls can successfully be just friends.  What do y’all think?

1 comment:

  1. Well, obviously I'm not the best one to talk on this subject, but I would say yes. Thing is, it's way easier when you're in a relationship because then, provided the guy friend in question has at least decent morals, the pressure is off. BUT, even then, I think for some evolutionary reason (because I'd hate to think it was for some less honest reason) we still give them a chance mentally just in case they were a better option. Even if it's for a fleeting second, you test those feelings then drop them. Hence it being easier when you're already with someone. Being in a relationship with someone that started as a friend I still think is the best basis for a more than a friend friendship. Word.
