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Monday, August 13, 2012

It's My Displeasure to Meet You

I went to visit my friend in Michigan this past April for a much needed vacation.  On our first night there, we went out to one of her favorite local bars.  The bar was cool but overflowing with the strangest mixture of guys! Young and old...and creepy.  Your typical Thursday night bar scene.  

After we sat down with our drinks and delved into reminiscing about our college days, two guys boldly approached us.  One guy was kind of suave and had curly hair.  Anyway, the suave guy gravitated toward my friend, and the two of them started talking about random stuff.  The other guy was in his early thirties but was dressed like he was still in high school, so I guess I was already kind of judging him.  I normally try not to judge, but in this situation I was RIGHT to judge. 

At first the conversation was normal.  He asked me about where I work, what I was doing in Michigan, and how I knew my friend.  He asked me how often I visit my friend to which I replied, “Well I mean we try to see each other at least twice a year. We’re really close!”  Then he asked me something that made my jaw drop to the floor (and not in a good way).  He said “Oh, so are you a lesbian? Are you and your friend dating?”  YES he said that.  He actually said that.  Maybe it was the beer talking or his stupid baseball cap was squeezing his brain out of his head, but I calmly told him that I’m not a lesbian and that my friend and I were in fact NOT dating.  Why would he just assume that?  And, you guys, this dude would NOT STOP and just go away.  He continued to ask me if I did cocaine because I apparently look like a party girl who likes to do hard core recreational drugs.  

OKAY MEN do NOT ask a girl if she is a lesbian and/or assume that she does drugs like cocaine.  I could not believe what I was hearing.  I turned to my friend and told her I was going to abandon her and get a drink, and then turned to the guy and said “Excuse me, I’m going to the bathroom to do some cocaine.  It was very unpleasant meeting you.”  See you NEVER.

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