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Monday, January 28, 2013

Guys and Bananas

Short story for you. Two weekends ago I was at a private makeup session at the mall. It was one of those events where you go in and have 20 minutes scheduled (although it ends up being closer to an hour) with a makeup artist who proceeds to do your makeup and answer any questions you may have about technique.
My smoky eye finished, and my mom’s unfortunate streetwalker look complete (no fault of hers), we gather the products intended for purchase and go to check out. Now we are friends with the lady (we have given her quite a bit of business over the past however many years) and as we are chatting she informs us that they have partnered with some group, and as such we each get a copy of “Over You,” a novel by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus. As I stand there waiting for my mom to finish paying for her makeup, I read the back of the book. Essentially it is about a teenage girl who gets her heart broken by a boy and then turns her heartache into a business of helping other young girls recover from their own bad breakups.
I have to admit that I was curious to see if the book had any gems of wisdom. However, once I returned home the book found its way to the pile of romance novels stacked on the floor (I need more bookshelves) and remained forgotten until a day or two later when I found myself with a random chunk of spare time. Wanting to read, but not wanting to get too invested in a book, my eyes wandered over my options and landed on “Over You.” “Oh, why not?” I thought to myself, so I picked up the book, stretched out on my bed, and with my kitty snuggled against my side, settled in to read.
In my opinion, the target audience is teenage girls. That being said, the book is cute and has some amusing, relatable moments. One such moment was the inspiration for this post, the excerpt of which I will include below:

“Guys are so confusing! She looks over at the pile of bananas. It’s so clear which fruit are good and which ones are rotten. You can see it before you make your investment. Why cant boys be more like bananas? Why do you have to put your heart out there before you find out you picked a bad one?”

As I read this I found myself nodding in agreement…and I may or may not have been heard to utter the word, “yeah!”
If you think about it, it is a good point. It is so blatant if a banana is bad, but with a guy you can be fooled long before their true nature is revealed. It is a vulnerable position to find yourself in. Nobody wants to expose themselves only to discover that the individual hearing all this personal information is, for lack of a better phrase, not worth you going to the trouble…and not worthy of you.
And I love the phrase “make your investment.” Guys are an investment! You don’t want to waste your time on someone that isn’t going to grow with you.
Personally, I don’t think it needs to be as obvious as a rotten banana. Sure, it would be nice, really nice, if it were so easily recognizable, but I think it comes down to trusting your intuition.
Now that that has been said, let’s enjoy some images of guys dressed up as bananas!

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