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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Baby, Baby, Baby, Oh!

As I sipped on my coffee one fine morning, I decided to hit up some o' the good ole gossip sites.  In huge capitalized letter the first headline read "KIM KARDASHIAN IS PREGNANT."  At first I laughed because...well...c'mon.  And then I racked my brain trying to remember who she was in a relationship with...oh yeah...Kanye West.  That is gonna be one "talented" baby!  I could go on a long rant about how much I dislike Kanye but somewhat love his music (pre-crazy Kanye) and how I think someone needs to check that man...but I'll spare you.  The point is that Kim and Kanye ("Kimye") are not married, and Kim is pregnant.

More and more couples these days are having children out of wedlock.  Of course I don't think there's anything wrong with this.  I think it's great.  If you and your partner really want a baby, nothing should stop you from having one especially if you think you're ready.  Now, it's great that people are flying more and more by the seat of their pants and taking on the immense responsibility of becoming parents and delaying/bypassing marriage.  It's becoming more common for people to start families and then put a ring on it.  I guess that's one way to know that you're ready to get married!

If I got pregnant and wanted to have a baby out of wedlock, my parents would disown my ass in the blink of an eye.  Like that would be the worst conversation.  The most awkward.  God, my dad would freak out.  It would be a moment similar to this: face melting.  I don't even see myself having a kid without being married first.  However, seeing as I am a self-professed spinster woman in the year 2013, I don't think marriage is in the foreseeable future.  Thanks to an increasingly progressive society and modern medicine, I could easily adopt an adorable foreign baby or hire a surrogate and zip that precious cargo around in a flying car (seriously, when are they gonna start making those?! I really want one!).  The possibilities are endless!  Society is becoming more and more accommodating to my kind! Anyway, how acceptable is it to you to have a baby out of wedlock?  What if Justin Bieber had a baby out of wedlock? Umm...yikes?

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