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Friday, January 18, 2013

Easy Reads

To ease into the weekend (if you’re lucky, a long one), I have decided that in lieu of a lengthy post, I will instead provide some interesting (and hopefully lighthearted) articles for your viewing pleasure.

The power of positive thinking. This article (although from 2011 leading into 2012) addresses a life shift from stressed to blessed.

The next article is a quick, fun read that talks about 13 things men still cannot seem to grasp concerning women. While entertaining, do you agree?

How to Lose a Guy in...just kidding! How to have a Flirtationship. No, I did not just make up that word...somebody else did.

Let's talk about hair...facial hair. More specifically, men's facial hair. Apparently how a man is groomed can tell you a lot about him. Read on for more details.

And lastly, to get you pumped for my next post (twisty bobcat kind of pretzel).

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