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Monday, November 19, 2012

Workin' on Mah Fitness...

I started running a little over a year ago.  I don't mean to toot my own horn but I've gotten pretty good at it.  I can run mileS without feeling like I might keel over and die.  I actually enjoy it!  This is going to sound cheesy, but I love the feeling of the wind in my hair!  I love the speed!  It feels so liberating.  And on top of that I feel so strong!  I feel like a badass running down the sidewalk past every house, every mail box, every slow person walking their dog (muahaha!), etc.  On a regular day I will run at a steady pace so I don't get too tired or slow down.  One thing that I have noticed I do when I'm running is speed up the second I see an attractive guy.  I don't know what it is but seriously every time! I think that deep down inside I'm either trying to impress the guy by running by him really fast OR I'm running away from having to interact or look at him while I'm a sweaty, out of breath mess.  What I have learned after a year of steady running is that there are a lot of attractive men out there who run!  I don't do a ton of races, but it is good incentive to start!  I will sometimes receive a smile or a wave.  Approximately twice I've gotten the, "Hey how's it going!" to which I usually reply "It's aklsdf going laskdfja well!" I can't really carry on a conversation when I'm running because I'm all out of breath, phlegmy, and then I'm guys I'm just a big fuckin' mess. 

Another form of working out that I love is yoga.  Yoga is great for the body, the soul, the mind, my butt  and thighs.  It's relaxing and rewarding.  I always feel centered after a good one hour and fifteen minute yoga session (especially savasana. Nap time!).  Yoga is a great way to meet people.  Everyone is super friendly and welcoming. Yoga, I have come to realize, isn't a good way to meet guys though.  I have been to a couple of yoga classes with one or two attractive guys and they are almost always incredibly douche-y or gay.  Yup.  Lots of gay guys in town who do yoga.  I guess they have to keep up their...flexibility...One place where I will openly laugh at guys is in Bikram yoga.  I haven't been to Bikram in a few weeks to give you any brand new stories, but DUDE the guys in those classes are absolutely disgusting.  They are narcissistic Adonis's who are absolutely OBSESSED with themselves! There is a large mirror in the front of the class and nine times out of ten I catch the guys checking themselves out in the mirror.  The last class I attended I was sandwiched between a rather large, hairy guy in his boxer briefs and a muscular man in tighty whities.  He looked like he had no problems filling out his man panties but one needs to see that! 

Working out for me not only started as a way to become healthy and boost my self-esteem but also a way to meet people...particularly guys.  I haven't really had any success with meeting any guys per se, but getting the occasional smile or wave from a guy I am running by certainly does wonders for my confidence!  And even though I don't meet any guys in yoga, I'll continue to do it so that my chakras will remain aligned and my butt will remain firm! Namaste!  

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