Brianna Slater's LinkedIn Profile

Sunday, September 30, 2012


I have amazing friends. AH-mazing! They are really great and continue to be very supportive of this blog; therefore, I would like to share a few linklings* that they've lovingly sent me.

1.  GIFs.  GIFs are super popular these days.  I have no clue what the eff "GIF" stands for, but there are a few blogs out there that use them with funny tag lines.  A dear friend of mine e-mailed me the link to a tumblr that I think is sure to give you a few laughs: #myfriendsaremarried.  I don't have a lot of friends who are married, but I do have a lot of friends who are in great relationships with really sweet guys.  While looking through these GIFs, I noticed that there are about a thousand of these reactions that I've actually had.  Y'ALL its super sad, but I soldier on.  Gangnam style.    

2.  Super random, but who is the FOURTH destiny's child?!

3.  A few months ago one of my friends who lives in DC e-mailed me this article from Jezebel about everything that society expects women to do but doesn't want women to do...or even want to know that women do it.  This article kind of ties into my post about putting in effort.  Guys really are completely oblivious to the fact that you put in effort.  When they know you put in effort, you are automatically too high maintenance and yuck! BUT if you don't take the time to put in the effort, guys are turned off by how not feminine you are.  Take a look at the article and let me know what you think.  Read dat shit!

4.  This is a more feminist piece rather than one about my inability to have a relationship, but it still gets me all riled up!

Y'all are amazing and keep the linklings comin'!

*"linkling" is not a real word even though it freakin' should be.  I am affectionately referring to links of articles, videos, blogs, etc. that people send me and want to see on the blog as "linklings."

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