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Monday, November 5, 2012


Since I recently moved into the cutest fucking house with two of my friends, I have been obsessed with getting it set up and cozy and just livable.  It's been a slow process because the three of us are busy grown ass women.  Getting something as simple as a banana hammock (Yep.  To hang your bananas.  Get yo' mind outta the gutter! Or maybe I should get mine out of the gutter...) made us incredibly excited about the house and living in it.  This weekend we finally got a microwave.  I know that it's possible to live without one but having it just makes life so much easier!  It makes heating up leftovers and stuffing my face with them a much more efficient process so that I can hunker down with a glass of wine and some Netflix.  Anyway, once the microwave was all set up and we ooed and ahhed over it, I called my mom to tell her about it (yeah, I was THAT excited about it).  After raving to her about how amazing having the microwave is going to be she said to me, "Wow! You have a fridge, a TV, a microwave!  Now all you need is a boyfriend!"

Yeah. My mom just compared having a microwave to having a boyfriend.  Like it's the same as owning an electrical non-necessity.  Ok, so you see how I described the primary reason why I wanted a microwave?  I wanted to be able to heat up my leftover shit, so I could eat it quickly.  Having the microwave makes life easier and allows me to be lazier.  Is having a boyfriend supposed to just make life easier for me?  I think having a boyfriend means that you can let yourself go with certain things.  I've seen girls who kind of give up on shaving, doing their eyebrows, feeling the need to constantly be put together, etc.  Since you're locked down, it gives you reason to just not give a fuck.  It must be a great feeling!

I just thought it was hilarious/crazy that getting a fridge or a microwave can be comparable to finding a boyfriend to some people.  After my mom made that comment to me I began to ask her where I should get one: order one online or go out and buy one.  I prefer online shopping over physically going to a store to get something because I get easily annoyed by over eager sales associates and overwhelmed by all the physically present options.  I guess this kind of gets down to the root of some of my problems with "getting a guy": I'm lazy.  I want a boyfriend but don't want to have to go out and get one.  I want one to come to my doorstep: polished and ready to go.  Acknowledging that I have this problem makes it a little easier to solve the problem.  Sigh.  I'm working on it guys haha!

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